Je rentre en contact avec le Ciel dans la danse de l’Air

I am in contact with the Sky in the dance of the Air

In the dance of the Air, I am in contact with the Sky and the dreams. Explore this Item lightweight and powerful that carries our deployment in the world.

I dance in the Air, I breathe

The Air is the breath of life, the oxygen in the lungs. Connect to the Air to return to the essential : I'm alive as I breathe. And it is the air, filling my body allows me to move around and gives me the life force. The emphasis on the expansion of the chest, and swelling of the belly makes us aware of the close relationship between our breath and our awareness of our body and our feelings. L’ Air sublime work of integration by opening yet the sensory perceptions.

I throw bridges between Earth and Heaven

In the egyptian mythology, the Air (Shou) fills the space between the earth (Geb) and the sky (Nut) and prevents the sky from falling. Far from being intangible, it dilates the spaces in which it has penetrated, and brings stability. In connection with the Air, it spreads out and takes its place. The Air is also is a mediator, " amount prayers to heaven, walking down the light and heavenly orders up to humanity ". You can imagine then place it on an updraft, and rise gradually to a profound peace of the body and the spirit, in a feeling of communion with the world. 

Air is the Element connected to the heart chakra. In fact, it symbolizes that connection to the larger than the self and the infinitely small, that is in the Universe. This state of communion allows access to the feelings of compassion and love for self and others.

I dance in the Air, I deploy my wings

It is also with the Air that touches the world of dreams, the impossible and the fantastic. The Air student, in fact, the concrete to its symbolic significance, and suggests the deployment of its wings and soaring high above terrestrial stresses. In freeing himself from the limits of concrete, we dare to give shape to what we saw from the foot of the mountain as impossible, impracticable, insurmountable. Perched at the top, the perspective is different and everything seems more simple, more fluid and more accessible. 

How to dance in the Air ?

Open the chest and " spread her wings ", in the language of the body, means contracting and expanding the space between his shoulder blades... as one would do if you had actually wings in place of arms. The mobilization of this area of the body brings a feeling of freedom and generosity significantly soothing and ultimately leading to a form of fullness. 

You've read an excerpt from the memory of Viviane, The power of the symbolic dance-therapy. Viviane teaches at the school Para La Salsa and was formed via the method Per Se Nota. You can find it on his account Instagram :

Check out the schedule of the training modules in dance therapy here.