Les formats de formation de danse thérapie

The formats of training in dance therapy

The formats of training in dance therapy

Cher(e) amateur(e) of dance and dance therapy,

We are excited to present to you the latest news about our dance training therapy to the year 2024 formats as well as training of dance therapy

This year, we have prepared three great news for you around a new structuring of the training of dance therapy we want you to be present at the next door, which will be held in January 2024.

Two afternoons Doors Open January 2024:

You have always wanted to dive into the world of dance therapy, or you would like to discuss with us on what is the training? This is the perfect opportunity ! Join us on our two afternoons doors open to learn about the program, meet our instructors, and experience for yourself the magic of dance as a therapeutic tool. Note now these dates in your calendar : January 16, 2024 14: 30-16: 30, and January 30, 2024 14: 30-16: 30 in our dedicated room at 8 rue de Bièvre 75005 Paris. To register, simply send us an email to this address paralasalsa@gmail.com stating your full name, telephone number, and the date chosen for your venue.

1 ) New Structuring of the Training :

To meet your needs and to the evolution of the field, we have redesigned our continuing education program. 

The new version is structured around 7 topics, designed to provide you with a full experience and depth in the dance therapy. Each theme includes 5 days of the modules intensive, where you will develop your skills and knowledge with the warm ups, practices, dance therapy, meditations relate to the topic of the module, the theory, focus group discussions and scenarios to allow you to gain hands-on experience and practice of dance therapy. You will be guided by qualified teachers and passionate, willing to share their expertise with you.

Here is the detailed content of the training hours:

238 hours divided in 7 themes containing 5-day modules

80 hours development in practice (personal practice and teaching, observation, case study and analysis, face-to-face or online)

80 hours of personal work on Digiforma with the media modules, QUIZZES, and podcasts.

2 hours for the tracking and certification

Here is an overview of the topics covered in our training 

1️⃣ Theme 1 : Creativity: 

The objective is to develop his creativity through practices of body expressions and emotional. You are going to deploy your creative potential and introduce you to the therapeutic relationship.

2️⃣ Theme 2 : Dance

This theme allows you to familiarize yourself with the different potentials of the dance techniques, warm-up, musicality and practices alone, two or more for exploration. You will also develop your proprioception through the free movement in the body, space, time, and kinesiology.

3️⃣ Theme 3 : therapy 

It is seen as a key approach in the mind-body connection. You are going to introduce you to different approaches and therapeutic protocols to put in the “body”. The therapeutic frame will also be at the heart of learning

4️⃣ Theme 4 : relaxation

In dance therapy, it is necessary to alternate the time of movements and time awareness. This theme invites you to introduce you to different techniques of altered consciousness through meditation and relaxation. You will develop and implement different approaches to guidance.

5️⃣ Theme 5 : The métis'dance©

These modules cover the dance and dance therapy in the form of an outward journey as a metaphor of an inner journey. You will immerse yourself in the flavors of the métis'dance and live a cultural experience and body that is very rich.

6️⃣ Theme 6 : The sacred

The development staff and the sacred open up a path to self-knowledge through the exploration of archetypes and symbols. Two modules are dedicated to the implementation of the posture of the dance therapist with assessments and feedback.  

7️⃣ Topic 7 : The pedagogy 

This theme is centered on the role of the dance therapist who combines the skills of pedagogy and therapy in the group sessions. You will discover the approach of the dance therapy for different audiences, as well as the concept of progression.

2 ) Training Discovery and Training to the card

As part of our commitment to make the dance therapy accessible to all, we have put in place special options for Training Discovery adaptable also. These unique offerings have been created for those who want to explore the world of dance therapy without the commitment of a long-term comprehensive training.

The Training Discovery offers you the opportunity to choose the topic that most interests you in our program. 

The formula for the card allows you to carry out several themes of your choice.

3 ) introductory workshops to the card

For all those who wish to explore a specific aspect of the dance therapy by one or more days of training, we open most of the modules in the “workshops discoveries”, in the limit of available places. These are opportunities to offer a time for yourself, to develop or discover knowledge of the self but also of the other through movement and dance.

4 ) New : a space online training

We are happy to present our line of online training Digiforma, designed to provide a learning experience rewarding and flexible. This expansion details the components of each theme and each module, highlighting the different concepts discussed through full support, quizzes, videos and podcasts. 

We are happy to present our line of online training Digiforma, designed to provide a learning experience rewarding and flexible. This expansion details the components of each theme and each module, highlighting the different concepts discussed through full support, quizzes, videos and podcasts. 

Our online space consists of two major axes :

A – guidance for the Training and workshops 

Depending on whether you opt for the full training, training to the card or the discovery workshops, you'll have access to more or less of the content in this online space

  1. Training complete

Access to our entire library, that is to say:

  • General Culture for all
  • General Culture by specific themes
  • All the topics and modules with each of the media, videos, quiz, podcast
  • Videos of personal practice
  • Video observation of the course with questionnaire and analysis for some
  • Proceedings of courses for different audiences
  1. Training at the map and discovery workshops

Access to our library related with the theme or themes or units chosen:

  • General Culture for all
  • General Culture in connection with the theme or themes (Training map)
  • All the modules or themes (Training map)
  • Modules or workshops selected Workshops at the card) 

B – sale of the first theme 100% Online !

We are pleased to announce that the theme of Creativity 100% online will be available in the month of march 2024.

With this formula, you will have the ability to discover the content of the theme and of the five modules it contains from home, at your own pace, whenever you want.

This formula will contain some elements of our library have been specially chosen to give you a global vision of the dance therapy:

  • General Culture for all
  • General Culture of the theme of Creativity
  • The 5 modules of the themes with their support, quiz, podcast, and videos...
  • A selection of videos of dance therapy in connection with the theme

This formula is ideal for those who want to discover the world of dance therapy from home, at a low price, at their own pace, without the constraints of travel or connections, and no commitment. 

You can download the various documents attached

These workshops are mentioned in the 2nd column of the schedule (column A), with A1 for one-day workshops and A2 for the two-day workshops.

Join us for this new adventure that promises to be enriching and inspiring !

For any questions or to book your place at the open house, please do not hesitate to contact us now by e-mail at paralasalsa@gmail.com.

It is to be noted that:

  • Our certification Qualiopi allows financing possible by pôle emploi, only for the full training continues (February 2024 November 2024)
  • Our courses are not eligible for financing by CPF

We wish you a very good end of year celebrations and it was a pleasure to be with you again in 2024!!