La danse thérapie et les danses à deux

Dance therapy and dance two

Dance therapy and dance to two can have a relationship very close. Dancing to two allows us to get to know us better, thanks to the presence of the other. Discover how the concept of the mirror is fundamental in dance therapy. It is very present in the dance of two. Then we'll...

Danser le rythme, se connecter à la pulsation de l’Origine

Dance to the rhythm, to connect to the heartbeat of the Original

I especially love dance to the rhythm of the beat, the beat, the boom boom of the music of african origin or techno music. It makes it easier for me to let go and be in contact with a movement more primary and intuitive, and it connects me to a feeling of trance. This is not a coincidence ! The dance has...

Je danse la Terre pour favoriser mon ancrage

I dance to the Earth to promote my anchor

The dance of the Earth evokes the report to the soil and to anchor. Explore this element that connects us to the roots, to the interiority reassuring and fertility and Mother Earth.

Se débarrasser du jugement en cours de danse

Get rid of the judgment in the course of the dance

One of the main difficulties when we take a dance class, it's to face the judgment : that of the other (ah bon ? we'll come back to that...) but also and above all his own. How to emancipate themselves from the gaze of the other and be able to dance “like no one else is watching” ? How, especially, get rid of...

Naviguer entre ombre et lumière

Navigate between light and shadow

Maybe you have already read phrases like "I leave my light, I am light..." ; and maybe you are-you said : "the light of course, but I also parts of shadow. Am I a horrible person ? "