Je me connecte à l’Eau pour danser mes profondeurs

I'm connecting to the Water to dance in my depths

Dancing in the Water, with its fluidity and its mass hypnotic, it is initiate to a journey in the depths of the psyche. It is a synonym of cleansing and purification, and is absolutely necessary for life. She, however, is in itself the paradox of death and destruction by the flood, drowning, crushing. The multiplicity...

Je danse la Terre pour favoriser mon ancrage

I dance to the Earth to promote my anchor

The dance of the Earth evokes the report to the soil and to anchor. Explore this element that connects us to the roots, to the interiority reassuring and fertility and Mother Earth.

La Femme sauvage, un archétype libérateur

The wild Woman, an archetype liberator

The archetype of the wild Woman carries with him a liberating power. Incarnate in his life is a true way of universal healing. What archetypes for female ? Beyond advertising, sociology, literature, or art, feminine archetypes that are found most frequently are the triptych "maiden-mother-crone" (the...