Naviguer entre ombre et lumière

Navigate between light and shadow

Maybe you have already read phrases like "I leave my light, I am light..." ; and maybe you are-you said : "the light of course, but I also parts of shadow. Am I a horrible person ? "

The balance in each of the darkness and the light

From the point of view of mental health such as personal development, and hosting his dark parts and the knowledge is also essential that make up their inner light.

That means "welcome its dark parts" ? This is used to recognize the parts of self that are wounded, offended, to which we do not let the voice to the chapter because it operates in a society that asks us to be joyful and light continuously. This part of the self will, for example, a part of you that has lived a traumatic experience. If you store in the closet this facet of you who suffers, and is not heard, it is highly likely that she will express in spite of while you are so uncomfortable, even downright painful. Interpersonal relationships toxic, feelings of physical pain, the feeling of great sadness that you don't know the origin... These symptoms can be the sign of a suffering that is within you and which is for the moment ignored.

Travel through internal states

It is not, in dance therapy, exposing suddenly your injuries and force your consciousness to put the spotlight on these units painful to you. Quite to the contrary, all the work is done in a subtle way, and always keeping in touch with your light.

Light and shadow are two sides of the same coin. Dance, when you connect to your body and your powers of creativity, you can identify closely what is your light. And your light, it is your individuality, qualities that are unique to you, your strength and your power. Once equipped with these attributes of light, one can venture on the side of the shadows. Not to kill or to the " transform "... But rather to take them by the hand, and tell them that they are welcome in your inner realm.

This balancing game is a part of life. The chinese philosophy has beautifully represented through the symbol of Yin/Yang. Each of these polarity door in it a little of the other (a black dot in the white, a white dot in the black). It reminds us that the world is not black and white, or all white or all black. Not more than our inner world. Your shadows speak of you as much as your light, and deserve as much kindness and tenderness.

Viviane teaches at the school Para La Salsa and was formed via the method Per Se Nota. You can find it on his account Instagram :

Check out the schedule of the training modules in dance therapy here.