Honorons les femmes artistes

Honoring women artists

For centuries in the arts, women were assigned the role of muse and faithful wife of the artist. They were "close" to the art, while the creation of masterpieces was a male prerogative. Names of the famous patron saint of the marquis of Pantoue (Isabella d'este) and of the muses of Botticelli (Simonetta Vespucci) are inscribed in the history of the art of the Renaissance. 

But how many of us will remember the first painter of the Renaissance, Sofonisbu Angistola ? Why the art world a-t-she kept so few references of the artists are women ? Is it a historical accident, an intentional discrimination or the logical outcome of centuries of male domination in the society ?

Where are the women artists ?

Linda Nochlin in her book, "Why is there no great women artists ?" does not provide a clear answer to the question, and suggests that the problem lies in a set of different causes. As one of the most common reasons are logical and the low presence of women artists in the history of art is the lack of access to arts education. Not to mention the possibility of admission to art schools, relatively open to women only from the 19th century.

Feminist art, as trends feminist, is heterogeneous and diversified. It is believed that it emerged in the 1960s as opposed to the " feminine art ". In general, women's art, like everything that has been created by women and for conditionally subjects 'feminine', such as motherhood and the integrity of the body. 

The role of feminism

Feminists have understood their experience of women in particular. They were conscious of the patriarchal system and sought to convey in their works. To change the situation, it is important to talk more about women artists.We need to mention both of the heroines of the past and our contemporary, as well as their heritage. And it is interesting to see that today women in Art have a special place. Evidenced by the last Venice Biennale, where many female artists have been highlighted, with works related to the body, rituals and spiritualism. 

The digital opens up new platforms for women artists

The creation of digital platforms, collective exhibitions by and for women, as well as the excitement of communities of women artists across the world shows that we have entered a new era of the Figure of the Woman in art on so many levels.

 An example that seems to me particularly speaking is one of Curated by Girls (including the editor-in-chief Laetitia Duveau has guaranteed a good growth). After you leave the editorial shot mode of Vogue, she gives birth to this project more present and engaged : 

You've read an excerpt from the memory of dance therapy of Mary : "The wild Woman in the dance-therapy ". You can find it on Instagram : @marie_polo_

Check out the schedule of the training modules in dance therapy here.