Je me connecte au Feu pour contacter mon pouvoir

I am connecting to the Fire to contact my power

The Fire brings both the light and the dark. It will warm up, but burns also. It destroys and thus allows the renaissance. Go to the discovery of this Element fascinating !

Fire is a force of life

As a source of light and heat, the Fire is intrinsically linked to the life and joy. It symbolizes the creative power, action and clarity of thought.

The Fire gathers people together in a circle around him. We dance round around the fire to celebrate the light, in the summer and abundance. Is associated with warm colors (red, orange, yellow), it can evoke the joy communicative – one also speaks of the "fire of joy" – the warmth of human relationships and a willingness to act overflowing. 

Fire is the Element associated with the chakra of the plexus in the stomach, as the seat of the will, the confidence and radiance to the world. Summon the Fire, it is call its own life force, and its " inner flame ". In short, what moves and gives energy, its ability to reach and influence the world.

Between shadow and light

When you see the shadows of things distorted by the light of the fire, we can distinguish, without harm to the scary creatures trained in a wild dance, or moving silhouettes in the corners of darkness. This is why the Fire is also – and rightly so – is associated with the danger, destruction and the Underworld (especially in the christian religion). It carbonizes, reduced to ashes, to transform the raw material into nothingness.

The fire helps to understand that each person is made up of light and shadow, strengths and weaknesses, virtues and defects. The one is always the reverse of the other. And the work of appropriation of its light passes through one of his shadows. It is an Element that take the drama out of failure, the ugly and sterile and gives it its place in the balance of the world and his own inner balance.

Fire is dangerous

Myths and legends demonize the use of Fire as it is a versatile tool to the destructive potential of disproportionate : it is often the vector of anger, vengeance of the gods. We think for example of the wrath of Zeus or the indian goddess Kali in the red tongue. Embodying the element of Fire, it is appropriate that anger devastating, divine and sacred. It recreates the justice in his inner world but also to the outside, in his relationships and his relationship to the environment.

The Fire is also the dynamic of seduction. The imaginary of the femme fatale – and, by extension, the witch, we will see it all the time – revolves around the vocabulary of fire : woman sulfurous, flames of passion, burning with the kiss... The Fire in my view, is a metaphor very powerful power that can be found in the women... as long as they dare reveal themselves to be witches, and dangerous to the face of the world.

The Fire has the power to transform

Finally, there is the Element of transformation and transmutation, " the basis of most magics, ancient ". On a psychic level, it refers to the possibility and even the interest to destroy in order to recreate it. It offers the destruction of a saving virtue, the prospect of a revival in a self-purified, stronger and closer to its essence. The smiths work the metal until you get the blade the more pure and strong. Thus was reborn the Phoenix from its ashes, in a perpetual cycle of life and death. Fire embodies the impermanence and the ability to change your state. By its volatility, we understand that it can pass through the states of anger and fury intense, and come out unscathed – even out short.

How to dance this Item ?

The whole body is involved in the dance of fire, each member representing a flame to the own life.

The movements may be small, oscillating and trembling in the dance of the spark plug, or loose, loose and erratic in the dance of the blaze.

The hair, each strand like a flame, have their place and connect in addition to the archetype of the femme fatale burning and dangerous.

The energy part of the belly, as the washing of the heart of a volcano, and diffuses into all parts of the body, as well as a bit of a firecracker. It arises fingers and exceeds the physical body in bouquets of sparks.

The fire lets you toggle slow motion and fast, fluid and jerky, mimicking the unpredictability of the blaze. It is a dance of chaos, liberating and purifying, in a state of perpetual expansion and contraction.

You've read an excerpt from the memory of Viviane, The power of the symbolic dance-therapy. Viviane teaches at the school Para La Salsa and was formed via the method Per Se Nota. You can find it on his account Instagram :

Check out the schedule of the training modules in dance therapy here.