The certification of the training centre Per se Note to become a dance therapist
The terms and conditions of assessment
Our ongoing training is certified by our training centre.
The validation of the certification is based on the implementation of a sample session of dance therapy
Two examination sessions are scheduled in January and June
You show up when you have finalized your number hours total
The final assessment takes place at the end of the cycle. It consists of a review, including a warm-up, exploration and maintenance in connection with the course that has been presented. The applicant also presents its memory of the end of the cycle.
Educational assessments ongoing
The educational assessments continuous belong to the course of training. They allow continuous monitoring of the outcomes of the training. Each training module is selected, the teacher notes the students according to the evaluation grid for the same. These educational assessments are taken into account in the final assignment of the note, the title of 20%. There is no jury for these assessments.
Assessments informative
The assessments are informative and are represented by a series of multiple-choice specific to each training module. Students are encouraged to carry out according to their liking in order to check their knowledge, identify areas of improvement and continue their education. These assessments informative, are not taken into account in the final evaluation of the training.
Assessments of knowledge
In the form of MCQS, they are noted and taken into account in the final evaluation. Each module contains one or more multiple choice. Specific modules online are also assessed in the form of MCQS on the platform digiforma.
Final Evaluation
The final assessment takes place at the end of the cycle. This assessment is to present a course of dance therapy, according to a topic drawn at random on the day of the exam. Then there is an exchange between the candidate and the jury (factor of 1.5). The candidates will receive the list of subjects two months before the date of the assessment. The evaluation also includes a discussion around a memory. The subject has previously been validated by the president of the jury. This memory account for a coefficient of 0.5 on the note of the final assessment. The final evaluation account for 80% of the final grade.
If the result is insufficient for obtaining the certification, that is to say, between 8 and 10 out of 20, a catch-up will be offered according to the following terms and conditions :
. new crossing in front of the jury by doing all of the initial test.
. if the course of dance therapy was inadequate, but the memory is validated, the candidate will have the opportunity not to suggest that a course of dance therapy. Note the memory obtained at the first evaluation will be kept for the calculation of the final grade.
. if the memory was insufficient, but that the course of dance therapy has been validated, the candidate will only be able to offer a new work written on the same subject or a different subject. The grade earned for the course of dance therapy during the first pass will be kept for the calculation of the final grade.
In the event of a score lower than 10, the candidate will again be present at all events, during the assessment provided for in the following session (M+6). Every six months, has held a session of training evaluation.
The modules on the card are not certified except in the case where the learner participates in the 238 hours of modules
We invite you to come try out a class of dance therapy to familiarize you with the concept of Per se Nota