S’ancrer pour la rentrée avec la danse-thérapie

Anchor for the new school year with dance-therapy

How to make the balance of the school year passed, reap the fruits, whose seeds were sown early, and make adequate provisions to prepare for the even darker period of the winter ? Dance-therapy, as for many other things, helps to perceive more clearly the path to follow, while sharpening his trust in his intuition.

Take twenty minutes at home in a peaceful, park, or other place in which you feel good and safe.

Anchor yourself

Standing up, closes his eyes, and put you to listen to your breathing. Is it deep ? Light ? Slow or fast ? Observes without judgment, and take the time to slow down and deepen. 

Has each exhalation, imagine yourself diving into the ground from the soles of your feet.Visualize your roots delving deep into a land that is fertile and rich in nutrients. This soil represents your resources, what you planted and grown with attention for a year. 

Do not try to identify precisely what are these resources. Let your imagination wander, and concentrate on the anchor of your feet into the ground and the feeling of stability that comes with it. Going from one foot to the other. Bend one knee, the other, both at the same time. Feel the force of your muscles and your joints, play with your balance. 


Imagine now that all the richness of your soil back into your body like sap inside of a tree. This energy from the ground and put your body in motion, gradually.

First your knees. And then your hips. And then your spine. Your shoulders, your elbows, your hands and your fingers. Your head finally.

Take the time to bring the life in each of the parts of your body, with caution, as if you were put in motion for the first time. 

Deploys-you !

This movement of your body, intuitive and respectful of who you are, it's like the mirror of your movement in the world. Give your dance that you want to do to shine in the world : trust, kindness, strength, joy, perseverance... Embodies in your dance this that you need to meet the challenges to come. Do experiment with your body, these emotions, these attitudes !

Take as much time as you need to fill your body of these energies fertile and creative. 

When you feel recharged.e, gradually reduce the amplitude and speed of your movements, until you return to silence body stilled.

You can sit cross-legged or lie down at the floor, and put some soft music, or simply fix your attention on your breathing. Take the time to observe your physical and emotional feelings.

Relishes the pleasure of having to move your body to the service of your emotional health and your well-being.

Do not hesitate to share your feeling !

Viviane is a professor of dance creative for teens and meditation danced. It takes you into her dream world in search of your dance and puts magic in your hearts.

Find on his account Instagram : @dance.with.the.fire