
Asic associaton, sports of the institut Curie

During these last ten years, my close collaboration with the nursing staff has been successful in ASIC. Through my sessions of guided meditation, I was offered an opportunity necessary for a range of health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and researchers, to find a moment of healing. In collaboration with the ASIC, as with Casip Cojasor has allowed me to gain a vast experience in guided meditation.

This collaboration proves to be effective for their well-being. The sessions of guided meditation, has served as a resource, offering a space to relax and refocus. These health professionals, as all the actors of these trades are immersed in an environment that is often demanding and stressful. They peuvenent and take advantage of these moments to relax.

The benefits of guided meditation in the Asic

First, the guided meditation plays a crucial role in the management of stress. Then it allows them to reduce anxiety and promote a state of inner calm. Finally, participants can develop tools to manage the tensions of their demanding work and their daily commitment to patients.

In addition, this practice has had a positive impact on the mind. It offers a space to disconnect from work pressure, thus promoting mental clarity, and a better ability to cope with the challenges encountered in their work.

The physical benefits of guided meditation are also notable. It can lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and strengthen the immune system. These benefits are valuable to professionals often face physical and mental demands are high.

This collaboration is mutually rewarding. By offering these sessions, I was able to observe the benefits tangible than the guided meditation brings. Their positive feedback and their ongoing commitment, strengthened my conviction about the importance of these practices in the field of health.