Casip Cojasor

Casip Cojasor

With a rich experience in the public senior through guided meditation

I have been working for more than 15 years in the foundation, the Casip Cojasor, dedicated to the solidarity and support to a public senior. My beginnings were marked by the practice of relaxation therapy with the elderly suffering the consequences of their past. They talked to me about their experiences in concentration camps. It was very strong emotion-filled. Through this experience I have learned a lot about how to conduct sessions of relaxation therapy and guided meditation with delicacy, especially with a public weakened. We exchanged around the importance of openness in the communication of their injury in order to begin the healing process. I realized how much a time of active listening was necessary to accompany these people to the resolution of their suffering.

This experience has helped me understand how the word and empathic listening are fundamental in the path toward emotional healing. By enabling each individual to share his pain, and his scars interior, I have observed how it could be liberating for them. This has strengthened my conviction about the importance of creating a safe and caring so that they can express themselves with confidence.

The experience I have gained over the years has enabled me to develop a valuable skill : that of managing a circle of words in a neutral way, without getting involved personally, but by offering an authentic listening experience and caring. This application is put in a posture of listening to the heart, where the main objective is to pay tribute to the testimony of each.

The key in the management of these circles of word is to create a space where everyone feels free to express themselves without judgement or intervention on my part. My presence active is to encourage trade, to maintain a climate of mutual respect and to allow everyone to share his or her experience and emotions safely.

In adopting this position of empathy, I found that the participants felt more heard, understood and supported. This has helped to create a climate of trust conducive to the authentic expression of their thoughts and feelings, which helps in the healing process, both individual and collective.



With a rich experience in the public senior through the métis'dance©

In the Event Cojasor, lexperience Métis'Dance© has been really powerful for me. This initiative has enabled me to strengthen a unique concept and observe a public completely conquered and captivated by this merger through the various dances. We have lived together an extraordinary journey across continents, to discover different cultures, beyond the constraints of political and emotional issues.

This trip into the universality of the dances and cultural expressions has been much more than a simple artistic representation. It was an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of human life in all its richness. Together, we have addressed these different legacies with a sense of pleasure, a deep need to understand and a joy contagious.

This event has exceeded the physical borders to create a space where diversity was celebrated, where the differences were valued and celebrated. This was an immersive experience, unifying where everyone was able to find a personal connection with the dances and cultures presented. This time of sharing has enabled them to build bridges between individuals, thus strengthening our human ties beyond the divisions often imposed by our societies.

This experience has deeply enriched my vision of the world and reminded me of the power and beauty of cultural diversity, offering a unique perspective on how the arts can unite and transcend the barriers to create moments of sharing and harmony