Je danse la Terre pour favoriser mon ancrage

I dance to the Earth to promote my anchor

The dance of the Earth evokes the report to the soil and to anchor. Explore this element that connects us to the roots, to the interiority reassuring and fertility and Mother Earth.

Se débarrasser du jugement en cours de danse

Get rid of the judgment in the course of the dance

One of the main difficulties when we take a dance class, it's to face the judgment : that of the other (ah bon ? we'll come back to that...) but also and above all his own. How to emancipate themselves from the gaze of the other and be able to dance “like no one else is watching” ? How, especially, get rid of...

Apprendre à s’aimer grâce à la danse-thérapie

Learn to love through dance therapy

In dance therapy, movement is a powerful vector for learn to accept ourselves as we are and to be free from recurrent thoughts that lock us into patterns. How to love better thanks to this wonderful discipline ?

Je me connecte à l’Eau pour embrasser mes émotions

I'm connecting to the Water to embrace my emotions

Water, by its fluidity and its mass hypnotic, invites you to a journey into the depths of the psyche and emotions. It is a synonym of cleansing and purification, and is absolutely necessary for life. She, however, is in itself the paradox of death and destruction. The multiplicity of its forms makes...

Le pouvoir de l’imaginaire en danse-thérapie

The power of the imagination in dance therapy

That is what is meant by “imaginary” ? I very much appreciate this definition : "the territory of dreamy dreams, fantasies, fables, myths, fiction and utopias ". In other words : a space of creation, formatting the impossible and the unspeakable. The perfect place to draw the symbols that will guide...

La Femme sauvage, un archétype libérateur

The wild Woman, an archetype liberator

The archetype of the wild Woman carries with him a liberating power. Incarnate in his life is a true way of universal healing. What archetypes for female ? Beyond advertising, sociology, literature, or art, feminine archetypes that are found most frequently are the triptych "maiden-mother-crone" (the...

Danser la Sorcière

Dance of the Witch

It is important to me, as a dance therapist, to give women the tools of re-appropriation of their bodies : dance the Witch is a wonderful tool to do this, that perfectly the virtues of the dance that I cherish deeply, and I have reconnected to my own power. 

Naviguer entre ombre et lumière

Navigate between light and shadow

Maybe you have already read phrases like "I leave my light, I am light..." ; and maybe you are-you said : "the light of course, but I also parts of shadow. Am I a horrible person ? "

L’Autre est mon miroir : rencontrer l’autre en danse

The Other is my mirror : the encounter with the other in dance

Everything is in us and we are constantly projecting on the other our state. This can be emotions, a vibration, a fear... let's See how to take back control in our relationships with others, and in our life. The main work is to understand how we function in and out of our automation, or even distance themselves from...