Se débarrasser du jugement en cours de danse

Get rid of the judgment in the course of the dance

One of the main difficulties when we take a dance class, it's to face the judgment : that of the other (ah bon ? we'll come back to that...) but also and above all his own. How to emancipate themselves from the gaze of the other and be able to dance “like no one else is watching” ? How, especially, get rid of...

Je me connecte à l’Eau pour embrasser mes émotions

I'm connecting to the Water to embrace my emotions

Water, by its fluidity and its mass hypnotic, invites you to a journey into the depths of the psyche and emotions. It is a synonym of cleansing and purification, and is absolutely necessary for life. She, however, is in itself the paradox of death and destruction. The multiplicity of its forms makes...

Le pouvoir de l’imaginaire en danse-thérapie

The power of the imagination in dance therapy

That is what is meant by “imaginary” ? I very much appreciate this definition : "the territory of dreamy dreams, fantasies, fables, myths, fiction and utopias ". In other words : a space of creation, formatting the impossible and the unspeakable. The perfect place to draw the symbols that will guide...