Institut Curie

Institut Curie

Institut Curie

We work in the framework of the institut Curie with the UTEP the unit cross-sectional therapeutic education of the patient. We propose to 2022 5 sessions, 4 workshops of dance therapy with the patients of the Curie institute. It is a very rich experience with very good feedback.

Our workshops use movement and dance as the primary means of communication and emotional expression. We use the creativity of the movement to help people explore their emotions, improve their mental well-being, physical and emotional, as well as to promote the integration of body, mind and spirit.

This practice is based on the idea that the movement of the body can be used to improve mental health, reduce stress, enhance communication, develop self-awareness and facilitate the expression of emotions. Our meeting at the Curie Institute are conducted in a small group in the room Bièvre.

We use techniques of movement specific to help individuals explore and resolve emotional, social or psychological. This approach can be used in a variety of contexts, such as mental health, physical rehabilitation, education, or social work.

We offer a safe space and creative where people can explore their emotions, their experiences and their relationships with their bodies and with each other through the movement